1 Short description
Allows to report players. The reports can be saved (logfile, database) or admins can be notified directly (via E-Mail, TS3).
!report Anton He is a cheater
== Configurationoverview =
JavaScript: onfig/plugins/reports.json
"reports": {
"enabled": false,
"database": false,
"decaytime": 180,
"logfile": false,
"mail": false,
"mailmessage": "The player '<FROM>' just reported '<TARGET>' with the following message: <MESSAGE>",
"mailrecipients": [],
"mailsubject": "GSManager Report",
"ts3poke": false,
"ts3pokemessage": "GSManager: '<FROM>' reported '<TARGET>': <MESSAGE>",
"ts3pokeuids": [],
"ts3text": false,
"ts3textmessage": "GSManager: '<FROM>' reported '<TARGET>': <MESSAGE>",
"ts3textuids": []
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2 Detailed configurationvariables
Variable | Allowed Values | Description |
enabled | truefalse | You can (de)active the plugin with this variable. |
database | truefalse | You can save reports to the database by using this variable. |
decaytime | Amount | The time in seconds after a player can send another report. |
logfile | truefalse | You can save reports to the logfile by using this variable. |
truefalse | You can receive E-Mails by using this variable. | |
mailmessage | String | The message of the E-Mail. Allowed placeholders are <FROM>, <TARGET> and <MESSAGE>. |
mailrecipients | String-Array | The receiver of the E-Mail. |
mailsubject | String | The subject of the E-Mail. |
ts3poke | truefalse | You will be poked in TS by using this variable. |
ts3pokemessage | String | The message of the poke. Allowed placeholders are <FROM>, <TARGET> and <MESSAGE>. |
ts3pokeuids | String-Array | All UID's of the admins, which should receive the poke. |
ts3text | truefalse | You will receive a PM in TS by using this variable. |
ts3textmessage | String | The message of the PM. Allowed placeholders are <FROM>, <TARGET> and <MESSAGE>. |
ts3textuids | String-Array | All UID's of the admins, which should receive the PM. |
3 Zusätzliche Konfigurationsinstruktionen
If you want to use the TS3 function, you need to create a connection between TS3-Server and GSManager. You may visit the specific documentation.
You can find the UID's in TS: Settings => Identities. Select the profile on the left side to copy the Unique ID.
4 Configurationoverview
This is an example to see how to add multiple receivers:
JavaScript: config/plugins/reports.json
"reports": {
"enabled": true,
"database": false,
"decaytime": 180,
"logfile": false,
"mail": true,
"mailmessage": "The player '<FROM>' just reported '<TARGET>' with the following message: <MESSAGE>",
"mailrecipients": ["mail@domain.org"],
"mailsubject": "GSManager Report",
"ts3poke": true,
"ts3pokemessage": "GSManager: '<FROM>' reported '<TARGET>': <MESSAGE>",
"ts3pokeuids": ["iytBus+itdc2u6u33ciPLIhiQ/M="],
"ts3text": true,
"ts3textmessage": "GSManager: '<FROM>' reported '<TARGET>': <MESSAGE>",
"ts3textuids": ["iytBus+itdc2u6u33ciPLIhiQ/M=", "IkhVhEJaXp/+wcimWBplpB5G//Y=", "cvDevXK6TdUV+M0AyXg8EaF5ZHk="]
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