Name | Identifier | Description |
Squad Deathmatch | SDM0 | squaddeathmatch0 |
? | SDM3 | squaddeathmatch0 |
Carrier Assault Small | CAS0 | CarrierAssaultSmall0 |
Rush Large | RL0 | rushlarge0 |
Air Superiority | AS0 | airsuperiority0 |
Team Deathmatch | TDM0 | teamdeathmatch0 |
Carrier Assault Large | CAL0 | CarrierAssaultLarge0 |
Domination | DOM0 | domination0 |
Elimination | ELI0 | elimination0 |
Obliteration | OBL | obliteration |
? | CTF0 | ctf |
Conquest Large | CQL0 | conquestlarge0 |
Squad Obliteration | SQO0 | squadobliteration |
Gunmaster | GM0 | gunmaster |
Chainlink | CHA0 | chainlink0 |
The project GSManager (formerly ManuAdminMod) was discontinued on 01.01.2020 - this internet presence stays available, but the software is no longer maintained. Thanks for your support over the more than 10 past years!