I installed gsm and cod4 on the same server. The only config i did was set rcon password in cod4 files and gsm files. ./gsm.sh debug shows no error only some warnings( i set
g_logSync to '2') but there is no any messages, and no commands work. Please help me if anyone is still there.
log from ./gsm.sh debug
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: =========================
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: GSManager (Version 1.2.2)
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: =========================
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: basics.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/reports.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/antiteamkill.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/skillscrambler.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/statistics.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/randommapcycle.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/nuke.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/reservedslots.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/weaponrestrictions.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/rules.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/automessages.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/mapcycle.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/censor.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/customcommands.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/funmessages.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/mapsettings.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/killmessages.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/balancer.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/highticket.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/votings.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/streakmessages.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/nameprotection.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/welcomemessages.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: plugins/pingchecker.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: users.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: groups.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: reasons.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: Config loaded: aliases.json
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: All config files were parsed
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: GeoIP: Database /home/cod4/gsm/daemon/libraries/geoip/geoip.mmdb successfully opened
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: GeoIP: Initialization finished
[28.03.21 00:46:42] Info: API successfully initialized.
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: RCON command executed: 'version'
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: RCON connection established (
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: Game detected: Call of Duty 4 (Version: )
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: Set Dvar g_logSync to '1'
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Warning: Dvar 'g_logsync' must be greater or equal to 1
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Warning: Punishment kill does not exist. Skipping.
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Warning: Can't register subcommand quit -> srv. The parent command doesn't exist
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: Punkbuster: PB is disabled on this server (sv_punkbuster = 0), please enable it before using this plugin
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: Set Dvar _gsmanager to '1.2.2'
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: Synced playerlist with 'status' (0 players online)
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: Updated Dvar g_gametype
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: == Loading plugins and commands ==
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Map Settings' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Ping Checker' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Name Protection' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Automatic Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Votings' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Censor' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Reports' (v1.0.0) by Yenz
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Welcome Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Random MapCycle' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Rules' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Custom Commands' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Kill Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Weapon Restrictions' (v1.0.0) by Master of Little
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Fun Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Statistics' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Notice: + Loading Plugin 'Streak Messages' (v1.0.0) by Mirko911
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: == Finished loading plugins (16 plugins) ==
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: !! Finished initialisation
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: === Start processing loglines... ===
[28.03.21 00:46:43] Info: Heartbeat has been sent to the GSManager Master Server: Successful
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